Satellite Picture

When: February 11th
Time: 18:30
Where: In-person & Zoom

Please RSVP to the Satellite Presentation at by February 9th.

We ask that an in-person group be held as there are only 100 slots for the Zoom link. You may join us in person at the Red Cross Center in Topsham or at your own club site. If using your own club site, please make sure to have access to Zoom, TV, and webcam. The Zoom link will be sent out via email on February 10th.

Misc Additional Information

Working the “easy” satellites with just a handheld radio IS, indeed, an exciting aspect of this magnificent hobby!

My presentation just covers the basics … but afterwards, your members will be able to work the International Space Station’s crossband repeater, and a couple other FM voice satellites.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS AMSAT Ambassador ARRL instructor, Affiliated Club Coordinator, Legacy Circle member 5085 Trail Canyon Drive, Jurupa Valley CA 91752 951-533-4984 - cell

  • SESSION TITLE: How to Work Amateur Satellites with Your Handheld Radio

Seminar description: You do not need 100W of transmit power nor expensive antenna arrays to work the FM voice amateur satellites! Many hams already have the necessary equipment to “work the birds.” This presentation will walk you through ALL the steps needed to successfully work several ham satellites - including the International Space Station.


Zoom is working well for this presentation.

Please update your copy of Zoom from within the program, which is the “safest” way to upgrade.

My Zoom account will accommodate 100 participants. If you feel we may need a larger capacity, please let me know.


This presentation has been well-received. Between the material presented, the always-lively Q&A during and afterward, the support Web site, and access to me after the fact (via email or phone at 909-999-SATS) with satellite inquiries - you will be providing attendees COMPLETE information on this aspect of the amateur radio hobby.


Clint K6LCS has been a ham since 1994, and found his niche in the hobby: working amateur satellites with minimal equipment and telling ALL about it! He has served a liaison between NASA, the ARISS team, and schools coordinating amateur radio contacts between the International Space Station and students (and also orchestrated a wildly successful ARISS contact). Audiences have never found his presentation slides “wordy” nor dull. Trivia questions are included throughout the session - audiences are never bored.

For reference materials, Clint has created a support Web site at .The Web site has become a one-stop source for ALL the citations and equipment recommendations and software suggestions made in the presentation.

Professionally, Clint was sales manager for ADI / Premier Communications / Pryme, worked for a Motorola commercial two-way dealer a couple of years, and for Ham Radio Outlet a couple more. He resides in Jurupa Valley, California, with his wife, Karen, and their new addition to the family: Huck, a two-year-old 75-pound Lab.


I will provide my Web site visitors a link to your club’s Web site on my
Web site. The meeting will also be promoted with announcements on the AMSAT-BB mail list service.

Clint Bradford, K6LCS